Monday 29 February 2016

Operations Research - I

About the Subject:

Employing techniques from other mathematical sciences, such as mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and mathematical optimization, operations research arrives at optimal or near-optimal solutions to complex decision making problems. Because of its emphasis on human-technology interaction and because of its focus on practical applications, operations research has overlap with other disciplines, notably industrial engineering and operations management, and draws on psychology and organization science.


Topics to be covered in this Seminar:

Formulation of linear programming model-Duality theory- Sensitivity analysis-Transportation problems – Assignment problems-Shortest route problem –Project network -Integer programming formulation-Elements of dynamic programming

Time to be planned:

     1 or 2 days

Kind of program:

       3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program:

      Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference: 

Linear programming model – Transportation problems – Integer programming formulation.


Kalam Scientist Team


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